To bulid progressive muscle relaxation, reflexology massage therapy certainly helps with that. Due to repetitive movement and extraneous activity, muscles become torn, lose elasticity, and the body feels immense fatigue due to unforeseen stress. Body reflexology induces mucle relaxation, eventually stimulating the mind, body, and soul. Stress reduction is the result, including relaxing tense muscles related to the face.
Reiki is a form of muscle relaxation with a commonly used technique which emphasizes palm healing. Here is a background on Reiki:
- Japanese Budhist priest Mikao Usui developed in 1922
- Identified as a Complementary and Alternative Medicine- CAM
- Tenohira in Japanese means the palm
Learning about muscle relaxation can help everyday lifestyle avoiding doctors, nurses, and chiropractors. The calming touch of hands with reflexology techniques assures high energy healing, and an alternative form of natural healing, shying away from medicine.